
CodeDebug is committed to quality software product. Our product enables other software efficient and defect free, hence making developer more productive at low cost.


The ultimate goal of every software product is to make it defect free. Although detecting and correcting the defect is not a easy task. The developer needs quality debugging tools beside its knowledge and experience. The purpose of this site is to provide quality tools and solutions which can help in debugging the buggy code.


Our primarily focus is on 32-bits x86 Windows platforms as majority of world PCs runs on this platform. If situation warranted we may also provide debugging solutions for other platforms also.


Our plans is to provide comprehensive range of developer tools which provide system information and help developer and PC user to detect bugs, defects, memory leaks and even malicious programs such as virus and Trojans etc. We have plans to develop tools which analyze software performance and uncover in-efficient modules.

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